Nintendo Switch System Update 19.0.1 Is Now Live, Here Are The Full Patch Notes

#Nintendo #Switch #System #Update #Live #Full #Patch #Notes
After reports about multiple Switch users experiencing problems with the latest firmware, it seems Nintendo has rolled out a new update, bumping the hybrid system up to Version 19.0.1.
It’s a relatively quick download and you can manually perform the update by going into the system settings > system > system update. After this, the system will download the update, restart and the latest patch will be applied.
Included are some fixes tied to the GameCube controller issues as well as a problem where software downloads weren’t functioning properly in sleep mode. Here are the full patch notes, according to Nintendo’s Japanese website:
Nintendo Switch Update 19.0.1 (released October 29, 2024)
We have fixed some issues and improved the stability and usability of the game, including the following:
Fixed an issue where the Nintendo GameCube Controller Connection Tap would sometimes not be recognized.
“Fixed an issue where communication processes such as software downloads would not function properly during sleep mode.
We ran a poll asking if any Nintendo Life users had issues with system update 19.0.0 and over 30% of respondents claimed they had experienced a problem. You can see this poll as well as Switch user reports about these issues in our previous story.