• All quotes will remain valid for a period of 24 hours from the date of the quote or until the date of issue of a new price, whichever occurs first. The validity of any price is subject to availability and to any increases in the cost price, including currency fluctuations, of Tech-Chat Solutions before dispatch of goods.
  • The Customer hereby confirms that the goods and services on the Tax invoice issued duly represent the goods and services ordered by the Customer at the prices agreed to by the Customer and where performance/delivery has already taken place that the services and goods were inspected and that the Customer is satisfied that these conform in all respects to the quality and quantity ordered and are free from any visible defects.
  • All goods invoiced out for evaluation, approval or on a demonstration basis by the Customer are deemed sold if not returned within 5 working days of issue.
  • The Customer agrees to the standard prices of Tech-Chat Solutions for any goods purchased or services rendered, as published in its ruling price list.
  • If at any time any amount of money due by the Customer to Tech-Chat Solutions is overdue for payment, Tech-Chat Solutions shall be entitled to suspend all deliveries to the Customer until all amounts are paid or, at the election of Tech-Chat Solutions, to cancel all outstanding orders in either of which events the Customer shall have no claim against Tech-Chat Solutions.
  • Prices are represented in South African Rand.
  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice.